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Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

My name is Marilyn Baker, and I have horrible allergies. I’m 42 years old and have been suffering from allergies since I was a child. I have seasonal and environmental allergies. Allergies plague me year round. When I was young, my parents even moved to a dryer area in the hope of helping me. Over the past eight years, I have done extensive research both through doctors and online. I have managed to come up with some combinations that have helped me a great deal. My allergies aren’t gone, but they have become manageable. I do have to have allergy shots, but I also use some natural remedies. I am happy to be able to share my findings with you here on my blog. I hope you can find some of this of value.

Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage


Navigating the Decision-Making Process: Key Considerations Before Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is increasingly popular among individuals seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. However, it's a significant decision that requires careful thought and planning. With the right information, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your personal goals and expectations. Here are some key considerations to guide you through the decision-making process for breast augmentation. Understanding Your Motivations Before proceeding with breast augmentation, take time to reflect on your motivations.

Unveiling the Power of TMS Therapy in Mental Health Treatment

If you suffer from mental health or even neurological issues, your doctor may prescribe something to you that can help with your condition. Incorporating alternative treatments into your regular care can be a great way to treat various mental health conditions. TMS therapy is one of them. This is a type of non-invasive treatment that utilizes magnetic fields to stimulate the nerve cells in the brain. It is typically used to treat major depressive disorder and other mental health conditions when traditional treatments like medication and therapy have not been effective as treatment.

The Benefits of Breast Augmentation After Significant Weight Loss

Achieving significant weight loss is a commendable milestone. However, it often brings about changes in the body that may not align with one's aesthetic goals. One such change is the loss of breast volume and firmness, which can impact self-confidence. This is where breast augmentation comes into play, offering several key benefits for those who have undergone significant weight loss. Restoring Natural Contours Weight loss can lead to a reduction in breast tissue, causing a loss of the natural contours that define feminine shape.

When To See A Cardiologist: 5 Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

Taking care of your heart is essential for maintaining overall health and wellness. However, there may come a time when you need to seek the specialized care of a cardiologist. These medical professionals are experts in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the heart and blood vessels. In this blog, we will discuss five signs that indicate it's time to visit a cardiologist. Family History of Heart Disease One of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease is having a family history of the condition.

The Benefits of Immunizations: Protecting Your Health and the Health of Others

Immunizations have been a topic of debate for years, with some questioning their safety and efficacy. However, the overwhelming scientific consensus is that vaccines are one of the most effective ways to prevent infectious diseases. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of immunizations and why they are so important for protecting your health and the health of others. Prevention of Life-Threatening Diseases Immunizations protect against a variety of life-threatening diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis.

Chiropractor Care: A Path to Enhanced Health and Wellness

Chiropractic care, often overlooked in the realm of healthcare, holds significant potential for enhancing one's health and well-being. This specialized field focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal system disorders, particularly those involving the spine. It's a practice that believes in the body's innate ability to heal itself, under the right conditions. What Does Chiropractor Care Encompass? Chiropractor care is more than just cracking backs. It involves a host of treatments designed to improve spinal function and overall health.

Plantar Fasciitis: When is it Time to Consult a Doctor?

Plantar fasciitis is a common and painful condition that affects the heel of the foot. Plantar fasciitis develops when the connective tissue extending from the heel bone to the toes undergoes inflammation or irritation. This condition is frequently marked by piercing heel pain, particularly upon the initial steps in the morning or following extended periods of rest. While there are several self-care measures that can help alleviate the symptoms of plantar fasciitis, there may come a time when seeking professional medical advice becomes necessary.

Root Canal vs Extraction: Making the Right Choice

When it comes to dental problems, there are situations where a decision needs to be made between a root canal treatment and a tooth extraction. Both options have their pros and cons, and understanding the differences can help you make an informed decision regarding your oral health. This article will explore factors to consider when choosing between a root canal and tooth extraction. Root Canal Treatment: Saving Your Tooth Endodontic treatment, commonly known as root canal treatment, is a highly effective procedure designed to salvage damaged or infected teeth, preserving their functionality and integrity.

Microneedling as a Gift

A birthday surprise for a significant other is often sought to be unique and thoughtful. A microneedling appointment can be just that. It is not only an expression of care for their wellbeing but also a gesture that communicates an understanding of their desire to maintain a youthful and vibrant appearance. The Uniqueness of the Microneedling Gift The selection of a microneedling appointment as a birthday gift is not a decision made on a whim.

Enhancing Your Natural Beauty With Botox Injections

If you want to rejuvenate and refresh your appearance, Botox injections may be the solution you are looking for. Botox is made from the botulinum toxin and it is considered a very safe treatment option for decreasing the appearance of fine facial lines and wrinkles. Here are some benefits of Botox injections and how they can refresh your facial appearance.  Refine The Appearance Of Wrinkles Facial Botox injections help refine wrinkles and facial lines which can result in a more youthful appearance.

Having Difficulty Sleeping? See A Sleep Specialist For Assistance

Has it been much harder than usual for you to get rest at night? Despite trying to get into a routine where you're getting in bed by a specific time, keeping the lights off, or even trying to meditate beforehand, you may still toss around throughout the night and struggle to sleep long enough to feel well-rested. When this happens, it's beneficial to meet with a sleep specialist. A sleep specialist is a professional in sleep medicine who will focus on helping you identify your sleep-related issues.

Intravenous Infusions For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a degenerative, autoimmune disease that can cause severe joint pain and deformity, limited mobility, decreased flexibility, and stiffness. In addition to the local symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, you may also develop systemic symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, and fevers. There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, however, there are effective treatments available such as IV therapy (intravenous therapy) to help manage your condition and relieve your symptoms.

Navigating Urgent Care: Dos And Don'ts

Urgent care centers can be a great resource for quick medical attention for non-life-threatening conditions. However, if you don't understand the dos and don'ts of urgent care, navigating the process can be overwhelming. Here's what you need to know. When to Go When deciding whether or not to visit an urgent care center, consider the severity of your symptoms. If you have a life-threatening emergency or severe chest pain, dial 911 immediately or go to your nearest emergency room instead.

Find Out When You Should Visit A Flu Care Center

If you are feeling under the weather and believe that you have the flu, you might come to a point where you should visit a flu care center to see if there are any treatments or advice you can be given. Of course, many people find that they struggle when trying to figure out when they need to go to a medical professional for possible flu treatments. To help you figure out whether or not you should go to a flu care center, simply read through the following: 

What You Need To Know About Hemorrhoid Treatment

While hemorrhoids are not unusual, you may need to seek medical treatment if they become painful or uncomfortable. There are at-home options for hemorrhoid care, but if these options are ineffective or you are in pain, seeking out clinical care will be your best bet. However, there are a few things you should know if you require hemorrhoid clinical care. Here are three things to know about seeking out treatment.  

What Are Pregnancy Care Services?

Caring for yourself and your baby during pregnancy is a top priority. Pregnancy care services, such as prenatal care and birthing classes, are designed to provide you with the best possible experience from conception to delivery. Here's what you need to know about pregnancy care services, their benefits, and the types of services available to expecting mothers. What are Pregnancy Care Services? Pregnancy care services include getting regular medical check-ups throughout your pregnancy.

4 Tips For Healing After Liposuction Treatment

If you have tried to get your ideal body through working out and a healthy diet alone only to be faced with stubborn areas of fat that refuse to budge, a liposuction treatment may be an ideal solution. Liposuction treatment is a medical procedure that involves fat being sucked permanently from your body. While liposuction is considered an invasive cosmetic procedure, there are specific things you can do to help heal and recover afterward.

Don't Ignore These 4 Warning Signs That Something Is Wrong With Your Colon

According to theAmerican Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer in men and women in the United States. Each year over 50,000 people die from the disease. One of the best ways to detect colorectal cancer early is to get a colonoscopy. This screening test can find polyps so they can be removed before they become cancerous. It can also find cancer at an early stage when it is most treatable.

A Few Options For ED Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to have satisfying sexual intercourse. It is common for men to experience this sometimes, but if it is a regular occurrence you should check with your primary care physician about the different options for ED treatment. While you may be embarrassed about the situation, it is the number one problem men have with their sexual health. In addition, it does seem to become more common with age.

Choosing The Perfect Primary Doctor For Your Healthcare Journey

A family doctor is a bit like a long-time friend. You might not talk to them on a daily basis, but they're there when you need them. And that relationship can last for life, through good times and bad. That's why you need to choose wisely. The Role of a Family Doctor A family practice physician is a generalist. They treat all types of conditions, from early childhood to the golden years, which may not always be so golden.

Are You Dealing With These Common Eye Conditions?

Eye conditions can be among the most difficult to deal with. Not only can they be debilitating, but they can also be extremely frustrating. After all, your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body, and when they're not working properly, it can be tough to get through the day. There are a variety of different eye conditions that can affect people of all ages, and it's important to be aware of them.

Three Benefits of Transcranial Magnet Therapy Treatment For Depression

Depression is one of the leading mental illnesses in the world today. Approximately 280 million individuals struggle with it globally. It is a silent killer that affects a person's cognitive understanding inducing feelings of sadness and worry. Regardless of these facts, individuals have sought psychiatric services that provide talk therapy, lifestyle modifications, and medications to manage depression; however, these are not the only options. Thus, if you suffer from depression and traditional treatment methods are unsuccessful, one option is to seek help from a psychiatrist who offers transcranial magnetic therapy as an effective alternative to treating depression.

The Basics Of Optometry: What Your Eye Doctor Wants You To Know

Few aspects of healthcare are as misunderstood and underrated as vision care. If you've been putting off any visit to the optometrist, you will want to understand what makes optometry care so important. In fact, you may be surprised to find out that there are many things that optometry care can help with. Here are some things that your optometrist wants you to know. Optometry Exams Are About More Than Vision

Everything You Need To Know About Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence affects many Americans. However, that doesn't mean you have to let it control your life. There are ways to treat your incontinence and retake your life. If you would like to know more, keep reading. What Causes Urinary Incontinence?  There are many causes of urinary incontinence. Some may only cause temporary urinary incontinence, but others cause persistent urinary incontinence. Temporary urinary incontinence is often caused by something you consume, such as alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, chili peppers, chocolate, and certain medications like sedatives.

Things To Avoid Doing When You Visit A Dispensary

When you visit a medical marijuana dispensary, there are a few things you need to do. Bring your ID, ask the budtender questions, and be open to trying new products. But what things should you avoid doing as a part of your dispensary visit? Take a look at a few big ones: Don't: Get too hung up on the THC percentage. It's common for newer dispensary visitors to look for and purchase only the strains that are the highest in THC.

What's Causing Your Elbow Pain?

Your elbows tend to be joints you don't really think about until they're suddenly causing you pain. When you do develop elbow pain, simple tasks like driving and cutting your food become a burden. So, it is important to get to the bottom of what's causing your elbow pain so that you can treat it. Here's a look at some of the most common causes of elbow pain. Tennis Elbow

Take PrEP To Help Prevent Getting HIV

PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is usually a one-a-day pill that a person can take that can help protect them in case they are exposed to HIV. It can be used on its own or as part of a safer sex practice. PrEP isn't just for the LGBT+ community; rather, but can be taken by anyone who may be at a heightened risk for exposure to HIV. Getting on PrEP is important, and there are different ways that you can do it.

Should You Consider A Hysterectomy? Situations When You Should

If you've been struggling with gynecological concerns, your doctor may have mentioned the possibility of a hysterectomy. Most understand that hysterectomies are a significant medical procedure, but there are situations where it's highly beneficial. If your doctor suggests that you consider a hysterectomy, it's important to know when it is the right decision. Here's a look at what you need to know about times when a hysterectomy can be beneficial.

2 EO Device Sterilization Myths

While there are many medical device sterilization options available, about 50 percent of all medical devices are sterilized with ethylene oxide (EO) due to the unique benefits of the EO device sterilization process. Unlike sterilization techniques that require high heat and/or corrosive chemicals, EO sterilization kills bacteria and other pathogens on medical devices without damaging fragile components made from polymers, glass, and even cotton fibers.  However, there are many EO device sterilization myths that make some medical facility staff members and even medical device manufacturers unsure if this sterilization type is right for their companies.

3 Top Reasons To Join A Weight Loss Program

Many Americans struggle with their weight, and losing weight can be incredibly difficult, especially if you go it alone. Luckily, there are many weight loss programs that are available to help guide people who want to finally lose those pounds. If you would like to know more, check out these three top reasons to join a weight loss program. 1. Physical Health Benefits Being overweight can drastically increase your risk of many health conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, some cancers, and many more.

How One Simple Pill Could Help Protect You From HIV

HIV has had an incalculably horrible effect on the world, with millions affected with both deteriorating health and an often very costly treatment process, particularly in developing nations. However, luckily, medicine has gotten better in regards to HIV prevention and now there are simple pills that you can take that virtually wipe out your risk of getting HIV. Of course, it is not 100% effective and there will always be those who don't respond to it well, but for millions of Americans who are at risk of HIV, this one simple HIV prevention pill could be the answer.

3 Things to Do When Seeking Auto Accident Compensation

Many auto accident victims do not know what to do when they are involved in a serious accident. There are several factors that can determine whether victims will receive compensation and how much the compensation will be. This is why it is imperative to know what to do and not do if you are involved in an accident. The at-fault party's insurance company will likely try to offer a quick lump sum payment.

Managing Your Bloating Problems

Bloating is a common problem that can be a source of considerable discomfort in those that are experiencing it. While bloating can be a common issue for people to experience, there are some effective treatment options that can be used to remedy this gastrointestinal problem. Is Soda The Only Cause For Bloating Problems? Some people may assume that bloating problems will almost always be the result of drinking too much soda or other carbonated beverages.

Mental Health and Drug Addiction Counseling Helps

For many people, drug addiction involves mental health concerns, including anxiety and depression. If you have been struggling with sobriety are have been diagnosed with substance abuse disorder, you may be considering counseling and other treatment options. So, should you consider counseling for addiction or mental health concerns? Here are a few reasons why you should consider setting up an appointment. Build Responsibility First, counseling helps you hold yourself accountable. You determine what level of responsibility you have and determine how you can live responsibly.

5 Benefits Of Hospital At Home

Understandably, most people are usually scared and anxious about a hospital stay. They may find it uncomfortable, which might be detrimental to their recovery process. What if a hospital could come directly to you? Just like changing trends in many other sectors, health care workers can provide opportunities for medical care at home. The patient will receive health care services in the familiar environs of their own home. The following are benefits of considering hospital care at home:

How Can You Help Botox Last Longer Between Injections?

Botox injections have several uses — they're typically used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but they can also be used to stop excessive sweating, reduce the frequency of migraines, and lessen rosacea symptoms. Regardless of what it's used for, however, Botox will eventually wear off. Botox is a neurotoxin that works by binding to nerves and preventing acetylcholine from reaching them, and the nerves need acetylcholine in order to cause muscle contractions.

What Will My Rheumatology Appointment Be Like?

If you are scheduled with your first appointment with your rheumatologist, you may be a little nervous as to how it is all going to go down. The unknown is usually what makes people nervous. If you are a bit nervous, you may want to know the order of how your appointment is probably going to go. Here are a few things that are usually done during rheumatology appointments, and the order in which they often take place.

How A Physical Therapist Might Help Your Dizziness And Poor Balance

If you have problems with dizziness or your balance, a physical therapist might be able to help. Frequent dizziness can make you feel miserable and leery about doing things that might cause you to lose your balance. Physical therapy treatment for dizziness is called vestibular rehabilitation. Here are some ways a physical therapist might work with you to help your dizziness and balance improve. Provide Balance Training Maintaining your balance takes cooperation between the vestibular system in your inner ear, your vision, and your proprioceptive system that facilitates communication between your brain, nerves, and muscles.

Important Details To Know About COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 testing can offer greater assurance to people who are worried that they may have contracted the coronavirus. Whether the result turns out to be positive or negative, COVID-19 testing can be a useful tool for people who want to keep themselves and other people better protected. Here are some of the most important details to know about COVID-19 testing. Testing Isn't Always Recommended for Asymptomatic Individuals Many testing sites discourage people who aren't experiencing any symptoms to undergo testing.

3 Types Of Aesthetic Services That Can Make You Feel More Confident

Want to feel more confident while getting pampered by an esthetician? If you would love to do so, there are some aesthetic services worth trying. Estheticians provide these services to treat some of the most common skin problems that people often experience. Their technique and the tools used to treat the skin can easily give you a boost of confidence by making your skin look smooth, hydrated, and healthy. Assorted Facials

5 Tips for Dealing With the Side Effects of Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment

If you have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, you are going to be working with your doctor to slow the advance of your cancer and to improve your chances. When it comes to treatment, you may have to deal with therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy, which can result in some pretty serious side effects, ranging from constipation to fatigue to hair loss and mood swings, just to name a few.

What Are The Benefits Of Blood-Flow Restriction Training?

Getting your strength back after an injury, illness, or accident isn't always easy. You may need help from a physical therapist. While exercises and other rehabilitation techniques can put you on the road to recovery, this can take time. In some cases, your therapist may recommend that you try blood-flow restriction training. How does this treatment work, and what are its benefits? What Is Blood-Flow Restriction Training? If you have some muscle weakness or need to rebuild muscle mass in your arms or legs, then strengthening exercises and training programs can help.

A Guide To Getting Dermal Fillers For Anti-Aging

Anti-aging is big business, and you owe it to yourself to take advantage of some of the great evolutionary steps in skincare technology that have come about in recent years. Dermal fillers are near the top of that list, and there are plenty of pros that can assist you whenever you need any sort of dermal filler treatments. With this in mind, it is important that you learn as much as you can about these therapies, as you also find the help of the highest quality professional around.

How Can You Tell If You Have A Vertebral Fracture And How Can It Be Treated?

If you have osteoporosis, you're at an increased risk of developing vertebral fractures. The vertebrae in your spine are under a heavy load, and they become prone to fracturing when weakened by osteoporosis. Fractures can occur suddenly after seemingly harmless actions like bending over to pick something up off of the ground. They can lead to chronic lower back pain as well as a change in the shape of your spine—some people with fractured vertebrae will end up developing a hunchback.

Considerations As You Implement A Pre-Shift Warm-Up Program

 A pre-shift warm-up program can help keep employees safe. Employees who are properly warmed up before they engage in physical work may be less likely to experience injuries, such as muscle strains or sprains. Once soft tissues become injured, the workers may require an extensive period to recover, leaving the employer with a shortage of help. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you implement a pre-shift warm-up program.

What To Do If You Suspect You Have Asthma

Asthma is a lung condition that affects many people. It can make it hard for you to breathe, and in severe cases, it can be dangerous. If you suspect you have asthma, here are four things you should do. 1. Visit your doctor. If you find yourself feeling short of breath, the first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor will listen to your lungs with a stethoscope and perform a blood test to rule out other possible conditions.

What To Know About Your First Chiropractic Visit

Many Americans will visit a chiropractic clinic for the first time this year. Many of them will have no idea what to expect when they get there. This is quite normal. Prevailing theories about chiropractic treatment have failed to create an accurate picture of what the treatment involves. These theories have also led to inaccurate expectations, as far as the results of the treatment are concerned. Chiropractic treatment can be a great source of help for many people who've failed to get the relief they need elsewhere.

Options For Patients Wanting To Use CBD For Their Symptoms

CBD cannabis products can be used to help patients with symptom management for a number of conditions. However, individuals often assume that the only way to take this type of medication is by smoking it. However, there are many other options that will allow for the benefits of this medication without the health issues that smoking may create or worsen. Pill Form One of the newer options for taking CBD products will be to take them in pill form.

Is Chronic Joint Paint Hindering Your Life? What To Know Now

If you have been dealing with arthritis for some time and you have noticed a change and severe pain, you want to seek the best treatment. This means that you need to see a medical professional that specializes in cases like this. Here are a few things that you want to know, so you can preserve your quality of life and protect the joints that have to last you for the rest of your life.

4 Signs It's Time For A Hearing Aid

It is normal to mishear people every now and again. Some would even call that selective hearing (where you hear what you want to hear). Accidentally ignoring someone due to being lost in your thoughts is also normal. It happens to everyone every so often. However, if you feel that you may be suffering from hearing loss, these things may start happening to you on a more frequent basis. How can you be sure that it is you and not just normal aspects of aging?

Your Friend Tell You That Back-To-School Vaccines Are Dangerous: How To Talk To Them

As you plan out your child's back-to-school checklist, you write down "vaccinations" as something to do just before they go back to class. However, you have an anti-vaxer friends who is trying to convince you to avoid this process. Here's out to talk to these individuals and avoid getting pestered on a regular basis. Point Out the Importance of Disease Prevention Many anti-vaxers believe that vaccines cause diseases such as autism, so they will try to argue this point with you.

Does Vision Get Worse As You Age?

As people get older, they often explain that their vision isn't what it once was. However, you might find yourself wondering if vision really does get worse as you age. Here's the reality of the situation and what you can do to keep your vision as good as possible. Natural Changes Vision does tend to change as you get older. In some cases, this is a completely natural process. Like the rest of your body, gravity has a long-term effect on your eyes.

A Sleep Study Will Determine The Reason Why You Are Suffering From Insomnia

Insomnia is a common symptom that can be a result of stress, depression, substance abuse, an underlying medical condition, or inconsistent schedule. If you have consulted with your doctor about chronic insomnia that is interfering with your job performance and ability to remain alert during the day, a sleep study may be ordered.  What Is A Sleep Study? A sleep study is commonly conducted inside of a neurologist's office or a special center in a hospital.

3 Reasons To Visit A Gastroenterologist

Everyone does it, and yet, a lot of people just do not talk about when they have a bowel movement, what their bathroom habits are like, or the problems they are experiencing. When you are having issues with your stomach or intestinal system, a gastroenterologist is a professional who can help. Take a look at some of the reasons you should visit a gastroenterologist if you are having problems.  You are bleeding when you have a bowel movement.

How To Avoid Fatigue And Burnout As A Primary Caregiver

As the primary caregiver for an aging or chronically ill family member, there are typically a lot of demands on your time. Serving as the primary caregiver in this situation can be stressful and exhausting. Unfortunately, it can lead to burnout and severe fatigue if you don't get a break or find a way to manage that stress. Here are a few things to think about if you're starting to feel worn down by this type of care.

Take Care Of An Ingrown Toenail As Soon As Possible

When you look at your toenails,  you should be able to see the edges with no swelling or redness around the sides of the nail and with no skin growing over the corners. If you are seeing those things, you may have an ingrown toenail.  Ingrown Toenail An ingrown toenail happens when your toenail starts to grow into the skin at the side of your nail or the corner of your nail.

3 Tips For Addressing Chronic Pain Due To RA

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that often results in chronic, widespread pain. The joint efforts of various members of your healthcare team can improve chronic pain and physical functioning. Tackle Inadequate Treatment Although effective treatment may not alleviate all RA pain, it can reduce the amount of pain you experience each day, potentially delay or prevent disease progression, and minimize disability. If your current medication regimen does not improve your symptoms after three to six months of consistent use, you likely need an adjustment in your treatment or to try something different.

Caring for Your Hearing Aids: What You Should Know

When you begin wearing hearing aids, the whole process can seem challenging and confusing. And the idea of maintaining or caring for your hearing aids can be a complete mystery. In order for your hearing aids to function properly and give you the best hearing aid experience, caring for your hearing aids is essential. Get to know some of the steps that you should take to care for your hearing aids.

Two Mistakes You're Making In The Bedroom That Cause Your Snoring

Snoring can make you the brunt of many jokes, but it's no laughing matter. It can have a very negative impact on your health and relationships, which is why you always want to take reports of your snoring seriously. There are many things that can cause snoring, including sleep apnea and oral health issues, but here are two simple mistakes you're making in your bedroom that are contributing to the problem.

Three Ways You Can Get Relief From Your Heavy Menstrual Cycles

If you suffer from heavy menstrual cycles, you may experience a decline in your quality of life during your monthly period. Many women report that they have to worry about bleeding through their tampons or pads; they may even have to alter their activities until their cycle is over. If you suffer from heavy menstrual cycles, here are a few options that can help alleviate your heavy menstrual flow. 1. Rethink Your Birth Control

Are Coolsculpting Procedures Affordable?

Coolsculpting is a non-invasive procedure that can help you trim off unwanted fat from specific areas of your body. As much as you may want them to, however, the medical professionals who perform the procedures won't do them for free. How much you will pay for the treatments, though, will depend on where you get them and the number of sessions you'll need. Here's more information about how much coolsculpting costs and where you can get the money for it.

3 Benefits Of Individual Addiction Counseling

The key to dealing with any habit you want to get rid of may rest in seeking counseling. Working with a professional therapist that can help you overcome an addiction and is sure to be ideal. One of the things you may actively want to consider is individual treatment. There are numerous advantages of this type of counseling and knowing what some are may be helpful to you. Benefit #1: Dealing with personal obstacles

Lupus, Kidney Failure, And How Dialysis Clinics Can Help

Kidney failure is a serious disease that can affect thousands of people a year. This issue can get even worse when paired with lupus and other types of autoimmune diseases. Thankfully, dialysis clinics can help with this concern. Kidney Failure Can Have Few Early Symptoms Chronic kidney failure is a disease that occurs as the kidney begins to struggle to operate properly. Small problems with the kidney can gradually cause it to struggle to operate and then get worse over a period of time.

What You Need to Know About Newborn Care

Congratulations! You're a new parent. And that means newborn care is on your mind—all the time. This little person who is suddenly in your life is unlike anyone you've ever met before. Now what? Check out what you need to know about newborns, what they do, how they grow and how you can care for them. Head Shape You've seen newborns, right? In the movies and on TV they look perfect.

4 Signs Body Contouring May Be Right For You

From changing your diet and breaking habits to adding exercise into each of your days, losing weight will not be easy. Unfortunately, some people are unable to shape their bodies even with lifestyle changes that include diet and exercise. If you are one of these individuals, you may benefit from a body contouring procedure. With this guide, you will learn the signs that you may be an ideal candidate for this innovative treatment.

What Should You Avoid Doing After Weight Loss Surgery?

Following weight loss surgery, many people can control their weight in a healthy manner. Unfortunately, some people struggle and make mistakes that lead to a need for additional procedures. If you are planning to undergo weight loss surgery, here are a few mistakes you need to avoid after the procedure to guarantee success. Not Following a Healthy Eating Plan One of the misconceptions about weight loss surgery is that it is a permanent cure-all for obesity and its related problems.

Three Things To Do For Overall Health

When you need some medical and health care that will be useful to you, it'll take a three-pronged approach. This approach involves find a team of medical professionals that can help you, buying a health insurance plan that plays for your care and some steps you can take on your own to improve your health. Start by applying the tips in this article and you will experience tremendous health benefits. 

How To Treat And Prevent Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown nails are a common problem, especially on the foot. When your toenail grows into the surrounding skin, it can be painful and annoying. You may find it difficult to touch the nail without pain, and it may even become tomato red. Anybody can get an ingrown nail, but not everybody knows how to deal with them to minimize pain. This guide will help you fight and prevent ingrown nails:

How Low Estrogen Can Lead To An Increased Risk Of Fractures

Most of the time, young women aren't at a high risk of bone fractures caused by osteoporosis. Unfortunately, it is possible for even young women to suffer from this health risk due to low estrogen. When this happens, it is important to treat it right away to avoid an increased risk of bone fractures. Low Estrogen Can Seriously Contribute To This Problem Low estrogen is one of the most common influences on the onset of osteoporosis.

What Parents Of Premature Newborns Need To Know About Hearing Risks

Babies who are born prematurely can have various health problems, including hearing problems. Premature babies are often given high oxygen concentrations via mechanical ventilation, which has been found to be a risk factor of hearing loss when the use of mechanical ventilation is prolonged. Due to the risks, it's important to understand how to recognize if your baby has a hearing problem and what you can do about it if they do.

Ways That Being In Assisted Living Can Be Healthy For Your Parent's Mind

As your parent ages, you may be concerned about his or her mind slipping. While you should always arrange a medical appointment if you're seeing any early warning signs of dementia, you should also think of the ways that you can help your loved one to keep his or her mind healthy. In many cases, your parent's living environment can be conducive to this goal. You may want to introduce the idea of relocating to a senior assisted living apartment to your parent, especially if he or she has been living independently and has been struggling with some elements of doing so.

What Can You Do To Help A Partner With Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is far more common than people realize. In many instances, the condition is temporary. When your partner is struggling with erectile dysfunction, it can be difficult to know how to discuss it with him. If your partner has the condition, here are some tips for talking to him about it and what you can do to help him. Do Not Wait It might seem more sensitive to wait for your partner to bring up the subject of his erectile dysfunction, but there is a good chance he never will.

Spouse Denying Their Hearing Loss? 3 Strategies For When They Refuse To Hear You Out

It's been going on for a while now. At first, you just thought that they were really into their television show when they started turning up the volume. But then, you noticed that they sometimes failed to respond when you were talking. Now, you have serious safety concerns since they don't always hear things like alarms or cars driving in their direction. Unfortunately, hearing loss happens so gradually that it is common for it to go unnoticed until it gets serious.

6 Ways to Prevent Lower Back Pain

Whether it's due to stress or lifting things incorrectly, lower back pain is a common ailment among adults. The pain can get so bad some days that it may be difficult to get out of bed. No matter how old you are, you can make simple lifestyle changes to avoid this pain in the future. Here are six effective ways to prevent lower back pain. Lift Heavy Items Correctly Even if you are in great shape, you can still injure your back if you lift heavy items the wrong way.

Baseball Players And Hay Fever: Managing This Difficult Problem

Rhinitis, or hay fever, is a common allergic reaction that occurs when a person is allergic to grass and airborne pollen. When this condition occurs in baseball players, particularly those in the outfield, the problem can seriously impact their career. Thankfully, treatment is possible—treatments which can bring them back to better health. Hay Fever Is Not Uncommon With Baseball Players Hay fever is a common-enough malady that a large number of baseball players have suffered from.

Four Non-Narcotic Pain Management Methods That May Work For You

If you suffer from chronic pain, such as that caused by arthritis or fibromyalgia, but don't want to rely on a heavy diet of narcotic pain relievers, you do have other options to help you manage your pain. Here are four ideas to consider. Get a Sauna You can opt for a modern infrared sauna, or you can have an authentic Finnish sauna with wood heat built in your backyard. A sauna helps to relieve pain management because the heat opens and expands your blood vessels, which increases circulation and relaxes your muscles.

Should You See A Doctor, A Therapist, Or A Psychiatrist?

If you are dealing with some mental or emotional issues, then you may be wondering whether you should see your doctor, a therapist or a psychiatrist. The best thing for you to do is to start by making an appointment to see your regular physician. They will be able to assess your issues and give you a referral to either a therapist or a psychiatrist, depending on which they feel will be the best for your situation.

Benefits of Undergoing Femtosecond Laser Surgery for Cataract Removal and Replacement Lens

Many elderly people find that their natural lens become cloudier as they age. When it becomes clear that the cloudiness is negatively affecting your vision, then it's time for you to have the lens removed and replaced with an artificial lens. Lens removal in the past has been performed with an ultrasound vibrating needle that your surgeon uses to break up your faulty lens and then manually vacuum the lens debris out.

How To Safely Use A Walker With No Wheels

When you are recovering after an injury and you are having a difficult time walking, you may find that you need the assistance of a walker in order to get from place to place. For the walker to be used to its fullest potential, it is important that you make sure you use the device properly so that you do not fall and sustain further injuries. Some walkers come with wheels, which may further assist you in getting from place-to-place.

Athlete's Foot And Diabetes: Three Things You Should Know

Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a type of fungal infection that affects feet. It's usually caused by Trichophyton rubrum, the same fungi that causes other skin conditions like ringworm and jock itch. Anyone can get athlete's foot, even if they don't participate in any sports. Here are three things you should know about athlete's foot and diabetes. How do non-athletes get athlete's foot? The fungi that causes athlete's foot can spread in a number of ways, and you don't need to be walking barefoot around gyms or swimming pools to pick it up.

Three Things Gymnasts Need To Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Gymnasts are at risk of many different injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome can make it hard for you to hold a pen, let alone do a handstand or train on the uneven bars. Here are three things gymnasts need to know about carpal tunnel syndrome. What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve—a nerve that starts in your forearm and ends in your hand—gets compressed.

Have Veins In Your Legs? Two Reasons Why You Need Vein Treatment

If you have broken veins in your legs, you may feel that there is nothing you can do to change the condition.  You think your legs are forever scarred, so it's caftans and cover-ups for the rest of your life.  However, there is a solution available to you: vein treatment.  Learning more about the benefits of vein treatment can help you see why it's the missing solution that you may have never thought of.

Early Signs That Someone Needs Anorexia Treatment

While the image in popular culture of someone suffering from anorexia is a too-thin body and low body mass, there are many more subtle signs that someone is dealing with this condition. Being alert to these signs can help friends and family get treatment for someone with anorexia before they get to that dramatic and potentially dangerous, ultra-thin state. What is anorexia? Anorexia, formally anorexia nervosa, is an eating disorder characterized by a very low body mass index (BMI.

Abdominal CT Scanning Preparation Guide

You may be a little nervous if you have an abdominal CT scan scheduled, but the procedure itself is really nothing to worry about. Knowing how to prepare for the scan and what to expect during it can help set you at ease. Read the following guide for more information. Food and drink restrictions You will likely be put on food and beverage restrictions leading up to the scan, since the technician doesn't want any partially digested foods or liquids obscuring the abdominal imaging.

Nipped In The Bud: Home Remedies For Stressed Out Nipples

Breastfeeding can help you and your baby to get closer and bond while giving them the essential nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong – but it's not such a warm and fuzzy time for your nipples themselves. But if you're committed to breastfeeding your baby as long as they need it, what are you to do about your tired, cracked, and sore nipples? If you're looking for a few at-home remedies for stressed out nipples that you can use, then here's what you need to know.

How Obesity Can Lead To Osteoporosis

Obesity is a problem that affects millions of Americans, and it can lead to a variety of different health problems. One problem it can lead to is osteoarthritis, which is a condition that affects the joints in the body. Osteoarthritis can be painful and can prevent you from being able to use all the joints you have, but you may be able to prevent it if you lose some weight.

Use These Strategies To Succeed In Your Physical Therapy Sessions

Seeing a physical therapist after you've had an injury or been through surgery can help you get back to your healthy self as quickly as possible. Under this professional's guidance, you'll go through a variety of exercises — often designed to strengthen weak muscles and restore your range of motion — in the clinic and learn how to practice them at home, too. Succeeding in physical therapy is partly dependent on your ability to learn the exercises and your dedication to practicing them between sessions, but there are a number of other simple strategies that you can focus on to make the most of your time with your therapist.

Aging Parents? Why You Should Get Them A Stair Glide

As your parents age, you may start to become more concerned about them living alone.  They could start to experience mobility restrictions that make it difficult for them to get around their homes.  You may even start to think that they'll have to go into an assisted living facility, which may not be what they want.  That's why it's so beneficial for you to install a stair glide in their house.

4 Tips To Consider When Visiting With A Home Care Nurse

If you have an elderly loved one, home health care is definitely something to consider. This ensures that there is a nurse available to your loved one when you are not able to be there. Home health care can involve a nurse who is there throughout the day, during certain times of the day, or they can even provide live-in services, which is ideal if you have a family of your own to take care of and work full time.

Do You Seem To Be Urinating Blood? How To Tell If The Situation Requires An Emergency Visit Or Just A Urogynecologist

It is a scary thing when you find that your urine suddenly seems to be the wrong color. A lot of different things can determine urine color (e.g., the amount of water you have consumed vs. how dehydrated you are). However, when your urine suddenly goes from yellowish to dark yellow-orange or even cranberry red, you might be really worried because there are only so many things that can cause your urine to turn those colors.

Be Smart About Your Use Of Earbuds To Prevent Hearing Loss

In today's world, you don't have to look far to find someone wearing earbuds connected to a smartphone or MP3 player. If you're someone who enjoys listening to music, audio books or podcasts while you're jogging, taking public transit or working in your yard, it's important that you make sure you're not risking the health of your hearing. While anyone with hearing issues can visit a hearing clinic to get hearing aids, it's best to avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself to loud volumes that can harm your ears and lead to the eventual need for these devices.

Pediatric Dyspraxia: What It Is & How Physical Therapy Can Help

If you believe that your child's lack of coordination goes beyond the usual childhood clumsiness, you may be confused and looking for answers. A common disorder, known as dyspraxia, may be the answer you've been looking for. Below is an overview of dyspraxia including what it is, what its symptoms are, and how a physical therapist can help your child.  What Is Dyspraxia? Dyspraxia is a common disorder that affects a person's ability to coordinate their muscle movements and can make it difficult to perform certain tasks, such as walking, talking, and writing.

Testing Your Hearing As You Age Can Determine If You Need A Hearing Aid

As you age, you may notice that it is getting harder for you to hear clearly. There are several reasons for that. One reason is that the little bones in your ear may start to calcify and meld together, which means they aren't moving the way the should. Another reason is that you may have accumulated hearing damage over the years by being around noises that are too loud. Whatever the reasons are, you want to make sure that you can hear clearly.

Smile Makeover: Improving Your Smile with Whitening, Veneers, or Implants

Whether your teeth are slightly discolored or misshapen or you have a tooth missing, you can improve your smile with some simple whitening, veneers, or dental implants to fill in empty spaces. If your teeth make you self-conscious and you avoid photos because you're tired of being asked to "show those pearly whites," it's time to talk to your dentist about your cosmetic dentistry options.  When Your Teeth Are Discolored A number of foods and beverages that you consume can cause your teeth to become discolored.

What You Should Know About Knee Osteoarthritis

Have you been dealing with your knees being painful and stiff lately? You might have a condition in your knees that is called osteoarthritis. It is important for you to make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon so your knees can get examined in case you need to undergo knee replacement surgery.  The article below will give you more insight about osteoarthritis and knee replacement surgery. What Knee Osteoarthritis is All About

Get Rid Of Those Varicose Veins And Back Into Your Summer Shorts

When the sight of your varicose veins makes you hesitate to wear your favorite summer clothes, it's time to get those veins treated. If you see your doctor when the veins are small, the minimally invasive treatments may remove the veins with no trace. If you let the veins become larger, vascular surgery may be required to remove the veins, which can leave scars and bruising. Here are the current treatment options for your varicose veins.

What You Can Expect From Your Upcoming Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

You fell and twisted your knee, resulting in a torn piece of cartilage in the knee joint. The orthopedic surgeons recommend arthroscopic surgery to repair the damage. This is a surgical procedure done in an outpatient clinic, so you won't need to stay in a hospital. Here is what you can expect from this procedure and the beginnings of your recovery at home afterward. The Outpatient Clinic Once you've check into the clinic, you'll speak with a doctor about the anesthetic.

Behavioral Modification: Natural Treatment That May Reduce Your Back Pain

Back pain is a common ailment that can linger for days, weeks, and years. While there are invasive types of treatment options available for treating back pain, a doctor will often recommend trying a variety of non-invasive options first. Among these is a method called behavioral modification. This is not the most popular method for treating back pain, but it does work for a lot of people that give it a try.

Why The Pain In Your Back Can Affect Your Whole Body

If you're recovering from an injury to your back or simply have chronic back pain, it may alarm you to learn that, if left untreated, the back pain may spread elsewhere. While this is treatable and largely preventable, you shouldn't ignore pain in your back, or it may worsen and spread. Read on to learn why the discomfort you're experiencing now in your back may move to other parts of your body, and what you can do to stop it.

Four Essential Lifestyle Changes For Managing Gout

Gout can wreak havoc on your life, causing serious pain and stiffness in your big toes, ankles, and even knees. If you've been diagnosed with gout, your podiatrist has likely prescribed a medication to regulate your uric acid levels. In order to keep your attacks to a minimum, however, you will also need to make a number of changes to your lifestyle. These include: Keeping your weight in check. Being overweight makes gout a lot worse.

3 Things Athletes Need To Know About Subungual Helomas

Subungual helomas, also called subungual corns, are corns that develop underneath the toenails. Here are three things you need to know about subungual helomas. What are the signs of subungual helomas? If you develop a subungual heloma, you'll feel pain beneath the affected toenail. You'll be able to see a dark spot beneath your toenail, which is the corn. You'll also notice that your toenail is detaching from your toe; this occurs because the growth of the corn pushes the toenail upwards and detaches it from the nail plate.

How To Regain Muscle Even If You're Injured

As you age, you may find that you do not have as much strength as you once did. If you are not accustomed to strength training, it may be difficult to become used to lifting weights. However, the biggest obstacle is psychological, not physical. As researchers have found, those in their forties and fifties gain as much muscle with the same workout program as those in their twenties and thirties. To achieve the benefits of strength training and a rehabilitation program, you will need to follow these rules.

What You Should Know About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common and prevalent of all cancers. Most skin cancer is caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun or tanning beds. Although skin cancer can be fatal, it can also be treated successfully if it is caught in time. If you are concerned about skin cancer, here are some important things you need to know. Signs Of Possible Skin Cancer In most cases, skin cancer is found by observing unusual markings seen on the skin by the naked eye.

Getting The Best Treatment For Fetal Ultrasound Procedures When You Are Plus-Sized

According to conventional body mass index (BMI) measurements, it is estimated that about 1 in 3 women, of childbearing age, is overweight with about 8 percent of this demographic falling into the category of morbid obesity. Since it is also estimated that there is almost a 20 percent increase in the risk of congenital problems developing before, during or after pregnancy in overweight mothers, you might find yourself being encouraged to more prenatal tests than regular-sized women and this includes ultrasound.

Four Serious Health Conditions An Eye Exam Can Identify

Although eye exams are typically routine appointments for most people who wear corrective lenses, it is equally important that you go to an ophthalmologist on a regular basis if you don't have vision problems. Routine eye exams can help to identify some serious health conditions before you would notice any other symptoms that would trigger a doctor's visit. Here's a look at a few serious health concerns that often show in your eye exams first.

Learn About Some Helpful Mobility Aids

If you have problems with your mobility then you want to make sure you know about the different mobility aids there are out there. You can learn about some of the different mobility aids on the market in this article, so you can get some that make a difference to your life. Walker bags If you use a walker you can get a bag that attaches to the walker. This allows you to carry some of your smaller items with you safely so you don't have to try juggling them in your hands.

Unsteadiness On Your Feet May Be Ankle Instability

If you find yourself watching your feet as you walk because you frequently feel like your ankle is giving out and may sprain, you may have an unstable ankle. There are several medical causes for this and it can be treated. Here is what has happened to your ankle and what help is available so you can be steady on your feet again. Why Your Ankle Makes You Feel Unsafe

Managing Dry, Flaky Skin As A Side Effect Of Acne Treatments

When you are struggling to keep your acne under control, any side effect seems worth the peace of mind that comes with a blemish-free face. But you may change your mind if you wake up one morning with your skin dry and peeling. Chemical treatments designed to break up the oils that house acne-causing bacteria also destroy the oils that hydrate your face, and once your skin gets too dry, it becomes even more prone to breakouts.

Women's Tips: 3 Natural Alternatives To Deal With Monthly Cramps

Menstrual pain is a fairly common problem that women have, as experts estimate that around 40 to 70 percent of women suffer from some form of monthly cramping. There are many options--besides talking to your gynecologist--available to deal with your cramping. But are there any natural alternatives? The following are 3 simple and natural solutions to help with monthly pain. 1. The Ginger Remedy Cramps are mostly caused by irritation to the uterus, as it sheds the lining created for a fertilized egg.

Healthy Eyes Require Proper Nutrition

Along with the eye health benefits of the beta-carotene found in orange-colored vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, squashes, and cantaloupes, including a variety of foods in your diet provides you with additional nutrients that offer protective benefits for your eyes. Because vitamin A and other antioxidant vitamins play a role in vision, it's important to give your eyes the proper nourishment they need to stay healthy. Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene Generally, vegetables that are red, orange, and green in color are rich in carotenoids.

What You May Not Know Cyclic Food Allergies

When most people think of allergies they think of an immediate severe reaction. For example, you might eat a peanut and swell up, have a hard time breathing and vomit right there on the spot. These are called fixed allergies. The response is immediate, predictable and severe. However, there are other types of food allergies called cyclic. These allergies are delayed in their response. And although there is not as much known about them, they are just as common.

The 5 Reasons You Could Still Be Plagued With Sadness Or Anxiety

Okay, so you've been to therapy, attended positive thinking seminars, tried medication, or read a heap of self-help books, but you still feel sad or anxious. One or more of the following five reasons could be to blame, and there are ways to cope. 1. Positive thinking is masking something deeper. You do affirmations and positive thinking techniques, yet you feel your life hasn't improved much. The problem is if you aren't aware of the mass of negativity hidden in your psyche, a thin veneer of positivity isn't going to help much.

What You Should Know About Driving With Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a progressive eye condition that impacts the optical nerve and is caused by poor fluid circulation. The fluid, known as aqueous humor, exits the eye through a web-like structure. A blockage in the structure causes fluid build up. This can make driving more difficult, but you may still be able to drive. Here is some more information on driving with glaucoma. How Glaucoma Impacts Driving Peripheral vision allows you to see out of the corners of your eyes.

3 Simple Items That Can Keep Your Skin Healthy For Cheap

Being a woman and caring for your skin can be hard. Many people find that they spend thousands of dollars every year on beauty products, not to mention a great deal of time on caring for their skin and body. Luckily, there are many simple and inexpensive things that you can do to keep your skin and face looking great without breaking the bank. Here are a couple suggestions. 1. Petroleum Jelly

Child Can't Sleep? Explore The Why And How Here

Insomnia occurs when children have problems sleeping at night. Oftentimes, they wake up earlier than normal in the morning. Older children might notice this on their own, while the parents of younger children are the ones who catch it. If you are struggling trying to figure out what might be going on with your little one, take a look at the common reasons why children suffer from insomnia and what you can do to help them overcome it.

Ambulatory Service Centers: What The Patient Benefits

As a physician, one of your biggest concerns is the care your patients receive while in a hospital under your care. While you have complete control over your own interactions with them, you may not be aware of what goes on when you are not in the room. Being a partner in an ambulatory surgery center is one way to ensure your patients are not only treated well in regards to their particular health concern, their finances and their time:

Two Substances That Can Help You Maintain A Youthful Facial Appearance

If you're like most people, it's important for you to retain a youthful facial appearance for as long as possible.  As you age, you may find a number of changes taking place in the way that you look: your nose may droop a bit and the loss of fat may cause your face to lose the contouring that makes your appear young.  While plastic surgery is certainly a viable option, and can go a long way toward helping you look better, there are certain things you can do to keep your face looking younger naturally.

3 Childhood Maladies That Can Be Treated By Chiropractic Therapy

You may associate chiropractic treatment with the management of adult aches, pains, or joint problems. However, many individuals seek chiropractic therapy to help with chronic digestive discomfort or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, managing the side effects of cancer treatment, or even treating infertility issues. And some of the benefits of chiropractic treatment can also be safely shared by children. Read on to learn more about several childhood problems that may be successfully managed (or even cured) by a chiropractor.

Same Day Dentures: Get The Answers You Need

The process of being fitted with a new pair of dentures originally took months to complete. In fact, this process can still take several weeks when visiting a traditional dentist to get the dentures that you need. Consequently, it is no wonder that many patients have a variety of questions regarding the claim that same day dentistry clinics are able to provide them with a quality pair of dentures in just a single day.

Get The Facts: Is It Dangerous To Remove Moles At Home?

If you have moles on your face, neck or other body areas, you may purchase mole removal products from a retail pharmacy or store to get rid of them. However, you should see a doctor before you remove the growths on your own. It can be dangerous to do so, especially if you don't know what kind of growths you have on your skin. There are two types of moles: common and dysplastic nevus.

Dental Implants: When You May Not Be the Ideal Candidate, and What You Can Do

If you're considering undergoing a dental implant procedure, you know just how important a full, healthy smile is. Below are three things that may not make you the right candidate for an implant procedure, in which case you can talk with your dentist about other options available to you. Inadequate Bone Support A dental implant is a specially-designed titanium device that is screwed into the jawbone—this device allows for the placement of a crown that will fill the space where your tooth used to be.

Tips For Managing Your Child's Allergies

When your child has allergies, you feel miserable too. You hate to see your child suffer, especially if the allergies trigger an asthma attack that causes breathing problems too. It may take a lot of trial and effort, but there's a lot you can do to help keep your child's allergies under control. Here are some things to try. Get Your Child Tested See an allergist and get your child tested for a wide variety of allergens.

Keeping Your Own Dreams Alive As A Parent

Having a child means making many sacrifices: doing without sleep, forgoing vacations for college funds, and giving up gourmet dinners for kid-friendly fare. But do you feel like at some point you've perhaps made too many concessions to parenting at the expense of your own dreams and ambitions? This can be a common problem for parents, but it doesn't have to be. Here's how to reclaim some of your own time, so you can achieve your personal goals too.

How A Midwife Can Help You

If you are a pregnant or soon to be pregnant woman, you may be considering hiring a midwife to assist you throughout your pregnancy. While many people think of mid-wives in conjunction with natural or at-home births, that's not always the case. Midwives can assist pregnant women, regardless of how or where they choose to deliver their babies. In fact, they provide a wide range of unique services. Gynecological Services

When Your Parent (Who Has Dementia) Becomes Combative

Taking care of an elderly parent who has some form of dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease) would be taxing for anyone, and if your parent has become combative orviolent, this can make things so much harder -- even dangerous -- for you. It can also make you very sad to see your parent's mental condition decline to this extent, but there are ways to cope with this situation. See Things from Their Point of View A person with dementia can feel confused, irritable, or tired from the day's activities.

Your House Is To Blame For Your Severe Dry Skin? Try These Tips To Make It Better

Many people don't realize it, but your home can be the cause of your severe dry skin. If you are suffering from severe dry skin, you should consider both scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist and making a few changes around your home. Try these household tips, and you might be surprised by how much relief you can see. Your other family members are also sure to notice a difference in your home and might find that they skin feels better, too.

How Insurance Coverage Works With Your Eye Doctor

When it comes to eye care, there can be some confusion regarding how insurance works. Most people believe that medical insurance offers no coverage for vision care, but that's not entirely accurate. While you do need to have a separate vision plan in order to cover some routine aspects of eye care, there are also situations in which your medical coverage will apply to treatment. Which insurance card you should pull out when you visit the eye doctor depends on why you're there.

What You Should Know About Undergoing Phototherapy For Your Psoriasis

One of the treatments your doctor may suggest for your psoriasis is phototherapy. This involves exposing your skin to natural or artificial light to heal your skin lesions. Even though you can expose your skin to sunlight yourself, you should always work with a doctor when undergoing phototherapy. That's because too little or too much light can cause an adverse reaction. Also, your lesions may get worse temporarily before they get better, and you need medical direction on whether to press on with phototherapy.

Self-Care Is Important If You Have A Helping Personality

Some people are always available should someone need help. Whether they are at work or just hanging out in their neighborhood, they don't wait for people to ask for help. They step up and offer what they can. If you are one of these helper-types, you need to take care of yourself, too. Well thought out self-care is important to keep your mind and body focused and rejuvenated. Choosing the Right Self-Care Approach

5 Benefits Of Pharmacy Home Delivery

When you need your medication, you usually need it in a hurry. With all of the daily stresses and requirements of life, do you really have the time to stand in a long line at the pharmacy? Having a pharmacy home delivery service really comes in handy. Here are five benefits for having a pharmacy home delivery service. Stocking Up On Your Medication Many pharmacy delivery services will allow you to stock up on a supply of your medications.

How To Help Your Older Parents Eat Well

3.7 million seniors in the US are malnourished, so if you're worried about your own parent eating well, you're not alone. People can lose their appetite as they age because of a lower metabolism, side effects from medications, depression, and changing taste buds. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help make sure your parent gets the right amount of nutrients. Make sure your parent has company during mealtimes.

Oh, My Aching Foot! What You Should Know About Morton's Neuroma

If you've been diagnosed with Morton's neuroma, you probably have a lot of questions regarding your condition and the treatment options that are available to help ease your pain and discomfort. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help eliminate or lessen your pain. Knowing some basic facts about Morton's neuroma will help you understand your condition and work with your physician and physical therapist to find the best treatment program for you.

3 Ways To Improve Your Sun-Damaged Skin After A Life Of Sun-Tanning

If you got caught up in the sun-worshipping craze that took place decades ago, then there is no question that your skin is sun damaged. If you didn't develop skin cancer as a result of too much tanning, then consider yourself lucky. An estimated 90 percent of people who develop skin cancer developed it as a direct result of sun or tanning bed exposure. There may be no time machine you can use to go back and reverse the bad decisions you made in the past, but you can take steps to make your skin look better today.

Get Some Sleep: How To Breathe Better At Night Without Using Cold Medicine

If you have sinus congestion, you know the misery of trying to sleep while you are having trouble breathing. Cold medications can compound this problem in some people by making you feel even worse or keeping you awake. Here are some alternative approaches to feeling better when you are having trouble breathing at night due to sinus problems. 1. Try a saline rinse. One of the quickest ways to feel better and clear clogged nasal passages is to rinse your nose out with a saline solution.

Menopause and You: Treatment Options

As a woman, when you start to eek past middle age and into the golden years of your life, your body begins to change. This change can begin gradually or can seem to come on all of a sudden, but the reality of the matter is that menopause is the reality that all women must face. As such, there is no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about it. Instead, focus on your immediate reality.

Stubborn Skin Rash? It May Be Due To A Food Allergy

If you have a strange skin rash that just won't go away, then it may be the result of an unknown food allergy. Many people think that allergic reactions consist of only sneezing and watery eyes or a full body of hives. Everyone doesn't react to allergens in the same way, and some develop skin conditions from them that are not in the form of hives. People can also develop allergic reactions suddenly to foods they have eaten for years with no problems in the past.

5 Valuable Community-Based Services For The Disabled And Elderly

Are you worried about a disabled or elderly family member? If so, you may want to look into the community-based services available in your area. Community-based services are services that are available at either low or no cost to those who meet certain standards of need. 1. Weekly Visitors Sometimes the elderly or disabled simply get lonely. Visitors are background-checked and registered with the community service to ensure that they are safe.

Putting Off Getting Eyeglasses? 4 Ways Doing So Could Be Interfering With Your Life

If you've been putting off going to the optometrist because you don't want to wear glasses, you should know that you might be putting your eyes in danger. You might also be making things harder on yourself than you need to. Here are just a few of the ways that improper vision could be interfering with your life. While You're Driving You might think that your vision isn't interfering with your driving, but you might be mistaken.

Helping Your Loved One With Cancer: What You Should Know

When a beloved member of your family gets diagnosed with cancer, you may not know how to react. Grief, anger, denial, and depression are all common reactions among cancer patients and their immediate families upon first learning of a cancer diagnosis. However, you also are likely wondering what you can do to help and support your family member in their time of extreme need and distress. Luckily there are several steps that you can take to be supportive of and helpful to your loved one as they begin their battle with cancer.

Volunteering To Help Palliative Care Patients

Palliative care is essential for those who are going through a terminal illness. It is an extremely difficult time for these patients and their caregivers, and you can help by volunteering your time and skills. If the idea of helping those who are going through a terminal illness appeals to you and you are interested in volunteering then there are a few things you will need to bear in mind before you get started.