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Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

My name is Marilyn Baker, and I have horrible allergies. I’m 42 years old and have been suffering from allergies since I was a child. I have seasonal and environmental allergies. Allergies plague me year round. When I was young, my parents even moved to a dryer area in the hope of helping me. Over the past eight years, I have done extensive research both through doctors and online. I have managed to come up with some combinations that have helped me a great deal. My allergies aren’t gone, but they have become manageable. I do have to have allergy shots, but I also use some natural remedies. I am happy to be able to share my findings with you here on my blog. I hope you can find some of this of value.

Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

Should You Consider A Hysterectomy? Situations When You Should

by Clifton Davidson

If you've been struggling with gynecological concerns, your doctor may have mentioned the possibility of a hysterectomy. Most understand that hysterectomies are a significant medical procedure, but there are situations where it's highly beneficial. If your doctor suggests that you consider a hysterectomy, it's important to know when it is the right decision. Here's a look at what you need to know about times when a hysterectomy can be beneficial.

Abnormal Pap Smears And Cervical Cancer Concerns

Abnormal pap smears are one of those things that trigger further examinations to determine your risk of cervical cancer. This can leave you facing a variety of procedures, from colposcopy to LEEP and more. This can be not only time-consuming but emotionally and physically draining as well. If you've been dealing with persistent abnormal pap smear results, with or without any signs of cancerous cells, your doctor may suggest that you consider a hysterectomy to save yourself from the anxiety, stress, and physical upheaval of the procedures.

Heavy Bleeding Or Uncomfortable Periods

Especially as patients approach menopause, or for those who have autoimmune diseases, heavy menstrual bleeding is a common occurrence. This can lead to cramping and other discomforts, as well as concerns about blood loss and anemia. If you've been struggling with abnormally heavy periods and significant discomfort from your menstrual cycles, you may want to talk with your doctor about it. In some cases, your doctor may recommend that you consider a hysterectomy to ease this discomfort and disruption.

Genetic Mutations

With genetic testing becoming more reliable, many people are seeking tests for the genetic mutations that show a predisposition to breast cancer, cervical and uterine cancers, and more. If you've opted for genetic testing that shows an increased risk of developing cervical or uterine cancer, your doctor might suggest that you consider a hysterectomy as a means for cancer prevention. Many doctors opt for preventative hysterectomies for patients who are at an increased risk of cancer development as a means of preventing cancer development in those areas.

While a hysterectomy is not a procedure that should be taken lightly, it's a procedure that can be necessary or beneficial in many cases. These are a few of the most common situations where you may find that a hysterectomy is the right decision. Talk with your health care provider today to see if a hysterectomy might be the right option for you.

For more information about women's healthcare, contact a local doctor.
