About Me

Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

My name is Marilyn Baker, and I have horrible allergies. I’m 42 years old and have been suffering from allergies since I was a child. I have seasonal and environmental allergies. Allergies plague me year round. When I was young, my parents even moved to a dryer area in the hope of helping me. Over the past eight years, I have done extensive research both through doctors and online. I have managed to come up with some combinations that have helped me a great deal. My allergies aren’t gone, but they have become manageable. I do have to have allergy shots, but I also use some natural remedies. I am happy to be able to share my findings with you here on my blog. I hope you can find some of this of value.

Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

How A Physical Therapist Might Help Your Dizziness And Poor Balance

by Clifton Davidson

If you have problems with dizziness or your balance, a physical therapist might be able to help. Frequent dizziness can make you feel miserable and leery about doing things that might cause you to lose your balance. Physical therapy treatment for dizziness is called vestibular rehabilitation. Here are some ways a physical therapist might work with you to help your dizziness and balance improve.

Provide Balance Training

Maintaining your balance takes cooperation between the vestibular system in your inner ear, your vision, and your proprioceptive system that facilitates communication between your brain, nerves, and muscles. To get these systems working together more effectively, your physical therapist might do vision training and balance training exercises. You might do things like walking while holding your head in different positions or standing on one leg at a time.

These exercises might be difficult for you to do without losing your balance at first, but a therapist has safety measures in place so you don't fall. Over a period of weeks, this type of training could improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling.

Reposition Inner Ear Crystals

If benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the reason for your dizziness, your doctor might send you to a physical therapist to have the crystals in your inner ear repositioned. This type of dizziness makes you feel like the room is spinning because the tiny crystals in your ears move out of place. A therapist can move your head in different positions to help the crystals flow back in their original and proper place and help end your dizzy spells.

Teach General Exercises

If you've been sedentary, you might have muscle imbalance and weakness that contribute to your dizziness. A physical therapist customizes your treatment plan according to the cause of your dizziness and your general health and fitness level. You might need to attend physical therapy for a period of weeks for general exercise training to strengthen muscles and learn stretches that make your neck, back, and other parts of your body more flexible.

Help With Posture Training

Poor posture is sometimes caused by weak muscles, and weak muscles make it hard to maintain proper posture. Proper body alignment is important for maintaining your balance. If your posture has been poor for a long time, you might have some overdeveloped muscles and some that are weak. In addition to learning general exercises, a physical therapist might teach you exercises that target the muscles responsible for good posture so you can hold your back straight and keep your head and neck in alignment. Your therapist might also help you learn how to sit at a work desk ergonomically so you can maintain good posture all day at work or at home.
