About Me

Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

My name is Marilyn Baker, and I have horrible allergies. I’m 42 years old and have been suffering from allergies since I was a child. I have seasonal and environmental allergies. Allergies plague me year round. When I was young, my parents even moved to a dryer area in the hope of helping me. Over the past eight years, I have done extensive research both through doctors and online. I have managed to come up with some combinations that have helped me a great deal. My allergies aren’t gone, but they have become manageable. I do have to have allergy shots, but I also use some natural remedies. I am happy to be able to share my findings with you here on my blog. I hope you can find some of this of value.

Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

Navigating Urgent Care: Dos And Don'ts

by Clifton Davidson

Urgent care centers can be a great resource for quick medical attention for non-life-threatening conditions. However, if you don't understand the dos and don'ts of urgent care, navigating the process can be overwhelming. Here's what you need to know.

When to Go

When deciding whether or not to visit an urgent care center, consider the severity of your symptoms. If you have a life-threatening emergency or severe chest pain, dial 911 immediately or go to your nearest emergency room instead. If your symptoms are minor and not serious enough to warrant an ER visit, urgent care may be the better option.

Pack Your Patience

One thing to keep in mind when visiting an urgent care center is that due to their nature, you should expect longer wait times than at a traditional doctor's office. This is because, like emergency rooms, urgent care centers are not first come, first served. Rather, they see patients in order of urgency. In other words, a patient with shortness of breath will be seen before a patient with an odd rash, even if they arrive much later.

A good way to manage your expectations regarding wait time, you can try going during off-peak hours, such as late morning instead of the lunch hour or later in the evening instead of right after work. Furthermore, if you feel like you need immediate attention or will be unable to keep a child occupied while waiting, don't forget that there are virtual options available that allow you to speak with healthcare professionals without leaving your home.

Come Prepared

To ensure your visit to the urgent care runs smoothly and efficiently, it is important to come prepared with all necessary documents, such as insurance information, identification cards, a list of current medications, and any recent lab results from your primary doctor, if applicable. It also helps to write down any questions or concerns before arriving so that you remember everything during your appointment. Lastly, if possible, bring someone along with you for moral support. Having a family member present can ensure that all relevant information is relayed to the healthcare provider.

Urgent cares offer a valuable service for those who require quick medical attention but can't schedule an appointment at a traditional doctor's office due to transportation or scheduling issues. Understanding when it makes sense to go and coming prepared with all necessary documents ensures you get the most out of your experience. Navigating urgent care centers doesn't have to be a stressful experience. Follow these tips to get the treatment you need without delay. 

For more information about urgent care, contact a local clinic. 
