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Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage

My name is Marilyn Baker, and I have horrible allergies. I’m 42 years old and have been suffering from allergies since I was a child. I have seasonal and environmental allergies. Allergies plague me year round. When I was young, my parents even moved to a dryer area in the hope of helping me. Over the past eight years, I have done extensive research both through doctors and online. I have managed to come up with some combinations that have helped me a great deal. My allergies aren’t gone, but they have become manageable. I do have to have allergy shots, but I also use some natural remedies. I am happy to be able to share my findings with you here on my blog. I hope you can find some of this of value.

Allergies: The Unbearable Sniffing, Sneezing and Drainage


Four Non-Narcotic Pain Management Methods That May Work For You

If you suffer from chronic pain, such as that caused by arthritis or fibromyalgia, but don't want to rely on a heavy diet of narcotic pain relievers, you do have other options to help you manage your pain. Here are four ideas to consider. Get a Sauna You can opt for a modern infrared sauna, or you can have an authentic Finnish sauna with wood heat built in your backyard. A sauna helps to relieve pain management because the heat opens and expands your blood vessels, which increases circulation and relaxes your muscles.

Should You See A Doctor, A Therapist, Or A Psychiatrist?

If you are dealing with some mental or emotional issues, then you may be wondering whether you should see your doctor, a therapist or a psychiatrist. The best thing for you to do is to start by making an appointment to see your regular physician. They will be able to assess your issues and give you a referral to either a therapist or a psychiatrist, depending on which they feel will be the best for your situation.

Benefits of Undergoing Femtosecond Laser Surgery for Cataract Removal and Replacement Lens

Many elderly people find that their natural lens become cloudier as they age. When it becomes clear that the cloudiness is negatively affecting your vision, then it's time for you to have the lens removed and replaced with an artificial lens. Lens removal in the past has been performed with an ultrasound vibrating needle that your surgeon uses to break up your faulty lens and then manually vacuum the lens debris out.

How To Safely Use A Walker With No Wheels

When you are recovering after an injury and you are having a difficult time walking, you may find that you need the assistance of a walker in order to get from place to place. For the walker to be used to its fullest potential, it is important that you make sure you use the device properly so that you do not fall and sustain further injuries. Some walkers come with wheels, which may further assist you in getting from place-to-place.

Athlete's Foot And Diabetes: Three Things You Should Know

Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a type of fungal infection that affects feet. It's usually caused by Trichophyton rubrum, the same fungi that causes other skin conditions like ringworm and jock itch. Anyone can get athlete's foot, even if they don't participate in any sports. Here are three things you should know about athlete's foot and diabetes. How do non-athletes get athlete's foot? The fungi that causes athlete's foot can spread in a number of ways, and you don't need to be walking barefoot around gyms or swimming pools to pick it up.

Three Things Gymnasts Need To Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Gymnasts are at risk of many different injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome can make it hard for you to hold a pen, let alone do a handstand or train on the uneven bars. Here are three things gymnasts need to know about carpal tunnel syndrome. What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve—a nerve that starts in your forearm and ends in your hand—gets compressed.

Have Veins In Your Legs? Two Reasons Why You Need Vein Treatment

If you have broken veins in your legs, you may feel that there is nothing you can do to change the condition.  You think your legs are forever scarred, so it's caftans and cover-ups for the rest of your life.  However, there is a solution available to you: vein treatment.  Learning more about the benefits of vein treatment can help you see why it's the missing solution that you may have never thought of.

Early Signs That Someone Needs Anorexia Treatment

While the image in popular culture of someone suffering from anorexia is a too-thin body and low body mass, there are many more subtle signs that someone is dealing with this condition. Being alert to these signs can help friends and family get treatment for someone with anorexia before they get to that dramatic and potentially dangerous, ultra-thin state. What is anorexia? Anorexia, formally anorexia nervosa, is an eating disorder characterized by a very low body mass index (BMI.

Abdominal CT Scanning Preparation Guide

You may be a little nervous if you have an abdominal CT scan scheduled, but the procedure itself is really nothing to worry about. Knowing how to prepare for the scan and what to expect during it can help set you at ease. Read the following guide for more information. Food and drink restrictions You will likely be put on food and beverage restrictions leading up to the scan, since the technician doesn't want any partially digested foods or liquids obscuring the abdominal imaging.

Nipped In The Bud: Home Remedies For Stressed Out Nipples

Breastfeeding can help you and your baby to get closer and bond while giving them the essential nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong – but it's not such a warm and fuzzy time for your nipples themselves. But if you're committed to breastfeeding your baby as long as they need it, what are you to do about your tired, cracked, and sore nipples? If you're looking for a few at-home remedies for stressed out nipples that you can use, then here's what you need to know.

How Obesity Can Lead To Osteoporosis

Obesity is a problem that affects millions of Americans, and it can lead to a variety of different health problems. One problem it can lead to is osteoarthritis, which is a condition that affects the joints in the body. Osteoarthritis can be painful and can prevent you from being able to use all the joints you have, but you may be able to prevent it if you lose some weight.

Use These Strategies To Succeed In Your Physical Therapy Sessions

Seeing a physical therapist after you've had an injury or been through surgery can help you get back to your healthy self as quickly as possible. Under this professional's guidance, you'll go through a variety of exercises — often designed to strengthen weak muscles and restore your range of motion — in the clinic and learn how to practice them at home, too. Succeeding in physical therapy is partly dependent on your ability to learn the exercises and your dedication to practicing them between sessions, but there are a number of other simple strategies that you can focus on to make the most of your time with your therapist.

Aging Parents? Why You Should Get Them A Stair Glide

As your parents age, you may start to become more concerned about them living alone.  They could start to experience mobility restrictions that make it difficult for them to get around their homes.  You may even start to think that they'll have to go into an assisted living facility, which may not be what they want.  That's why it's so beneficial for you to install a stair glide in their house.

4 Tips To Consider When Visiting With A Home Care Nurse

If you have an elderly loved one, home health care is definitely something to consider. This ensures that there is a nurse available to your loved one when you are not able to be there. Home health care can involve a nurse who is there throughout the day, during certain times of the day, or they can even provide live-in services, which is ideal if you have a family of your own to take care of and work full time.

Do You Seem To Be Urinating Blood? How To Tell If The Situation Requires An Emergency Visit Or Just A Urogynecologist

It is a scary thing when you find that your urine suddenly seems to be the wrong color. A lot of different things can determine urine color (e.g., the amount of water you have consumed vs. how dehydrated you are). However, when your urine suddenly goes from yellowish to dark yellow-orange or even cranberry red, you might be really worried because there are only so many things that can cause your urine to turn those colors.

Be Smart About Your Use Of Earbuds To Prevent Hearing Loss

In today's world, you don't have to look far to find someone wearing earbuds connected to a smartphone or MP3 player. If you're someone who enjoys listening to music, audio books or podcasts while you're jogging, taking public transit or working in your yard, it's important that you make sure you're not risking the health of your hearing. While anyone with hearing issues can visit a hearing clinic to get hearing aids, it's best to avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself to loud volumes that can harm your ears and lead to the eventual need for these devices.

Pediatric Dyspraxia: What It Is & How Physical Therapy Can Help

If you believe that your child's lack of coordination goes beyond the usual childhood clumsiness, you may be confused and looking for answers. A common disorder, known as dyspraxia, may be the answer you've been looking for. Below is an overview of dyspraxia including what it is, what its symptoms are, and how a physical therapist can help your child.  What Is Dyspraxia? Dyspraxia is a common disorder that affects a person's ability to coordinate their muscle movements and can make it difficult to perform certain tasks, such as walking, talking, and writing.

Testing Your Hearing As You Age Can Determine If You Need A Hearing Aid

As you age, you may notice that it is getting harder for you to hear clearly. There are several reasons for that. One reason is that the little bones in your ear may start to calcify and meld together, which means they aren't moving the way the should. Another reason is that you may have accumulated hearing damage over the years by being around noises that are too loud. Whatever the reasons are, you want to make sure that you can hear clearly.

Smile Makeover: Improving Your Smile with Whitening, Veneers, or Implants

Whether your teeth are slightly discolored or misshapen or you have a tooth missing, you can improve your smile with some simple whitening, veneers, or dental implants to fill in empty spaces. If your teeth make you self-conscious and you avoid photos because you're tired of being asked to "show those pearly whites," it's time to talk to your dentist about your cosmetic dentistry options.  When Your Teeth Are Discolored A number of foods and beverages that you consume can cause your teeth to become discolored.

What You Should Know About Knee Osteoarthritis

Have you been dealing with your knees being painful and stiff lately? You might have a condition in your knees that is called osteoarthritis. It is important for you to make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon so your knees can get examined in case you need to undergo knee replacement surgery.  The article below will give you more insight about osteoarthritis and knee replacement surgery. What Knee Osteoarthritis is All About

Get Rid Of Those Varicose Veins And Back Into Your Summer Shorts

When the sight of your varicose veins makes you hesitate to wear your favorite summer clothes, it's time to get those veins treated. If you see your doctor when the veins are small, the minimally invasive treatments may remove the veins with no trace. If you let the veins become larger, vascular surgery may be required to remove the veins, which can leave scars and bruising. Here are the current treatment options for your varicose veins.

What You Can Expect From Your Upcoming Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

You fell and twisted your knee, resulting in a torn piece of cartilage in the knee joint. The orthopedic surgeons recommend arthroscopic surgery to repair the damage. This is a surgical procedure done in an outpatient clinic, so you won't need to stay in a hospital. Here is what you can expect from this procedure and the beginnings of your recovery at home afterward. The Outpatient Clinic Once you've check into the clinic, you'll speak with a doctor about the anesthetic.

Behavioral Modification: Natural Treatment That May Reduce Your Back Pain

Back pain is a common ailment that can linger for days, weeks, and years. While there are invasive types of treatment options available for treating back pain, a doctor will often recommend trying a variety of non-invasive options first. Among these is a method called behavioral modification. This is not the most popular method for treating back pain, but it does work for a lot of people that give it a try.

Why The Pain In Your Back Can Affect Your Whole Body

If you're recovering from an injury to your back or simply have chronic back pain, it may alarm you to learn that, if left untreated, the back pain may spread elsewhere. While this is treatable and largely preventable, you shouldn't ignore pain in your back, or it may worsen and spread. Read on to learn why the discomfort you're experiencing now in your back may move to other parts of your body, and what you can do to stop it.

Four Essential Lifestyle Changes For Managing Gout

Gout can wreak havoc on your life, causing serious pain and stiffness in your big toes, ankles, and even knees. If you've been diagnosed with gout, your podiatrist has likely prescribed a medication to regulate your uric acid levels. In order to keep your attacks to a minimum, however, you will also need to make a number of changes to your lifestyle. These include: Keeping your weight in check. Being overweight makes gout a lot worse.

3 Things Athletes Need To Know About Subungual Helomas

Subungual helomas, also called subungual corns, are corns that develop underneath the toenails. Here are three things you need to know about subungual helomas. What are the signs of subungual helomas? If you develop a subungual heloma, you'll feel pain beneath the affected toenail. You'll be able to see a dark spot beneath your toenail, which is the corn. You'll also notice that your toenail is detaching from your toe; this occurs because the growth of the corn pushes the toenail upwards and detaches it from the nail plate.

How To Regain Muscle Even If You're Injured

As you age, you may find that you do not have as much strength as you once did. If you are not accustomed to strength training, it may be difficult to become used to lifting weights. However, the biggest obstacle is psychological, not physical. As researchers have found, those in their forties and fifties gain as much muscle with the same workout program as those in their twenties and thirties. To achieve the benefits of strength training and a rehabilitation program, you will need to follow these rules.